Qualifications for Scholarship Awards:
Any student enrolled in pre-K-8 Lafayette Parish Public school who has specific needs related to academic, cultural or personal enrichment. (Examples)  Instructional fees will not be funded.
Who is eligible to submit applications?
Any teacher, guidance counselor, or principal of a pre-K-8 Lafayette Parish public school may submit an application.  No more than five (5) applications per classroom, per event will be considered.
Scholarship Amounts:
Amounts of grants are subject to students' needs and available funds. 
Important Dates:
The committee should receive applications by the 1st of the month to be considered in that month. Those applications received after the 1st  will be considered the following month. Applicant will be notified of the outcome by the second week of that month.
Application Requirements: 
- Applications must be signed by all of the following: a) Teacher or guidance counselor, b) Parent or Legal guardian, c) Student, and d) Principal
- Incomplete applications will not be considered.
-These materials are neither sponsored or endorsed by the Lafayette Parish School System.

Click for Application - Field Trips
Click for Application - Instruments Prices